Trans-Real News – Episode 20: Interviews
In which we get to know our news crew a little better. An Interview with Toby (0’36”) Why don’t you start by giving us your name and tell us what you do here? I’m Toby Damt. I’m the anchorman. And behind the scenes I’m also the executive producer. How did you find out about reality […]
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Trans-Real News – Episode 18: Getting Laid Across the Multiverse
The lower planes are closed off, the slime is disappearing, and the Head Mafia surrenders. Torg notes an uptick in conquistadors and time confusion. The horde is on the move. Yaron interviews the Freelance Police, but something happens. Necromantic cults are advised to expect a hail of gunfire. News [...]

The Boy in the Submarine – Episode 10: Orca
Orca are really smart! They can be taught to do tricks like sing songs and count, if they are trained well! Owen Orca, sometimes called “Killer Whales” are a really large Dolphin: they are one of the Oceans’ apex predators. They work in packs to take down large prey. [...]
Episode 4: Big Plans & Big Pets
Get the Listener’s Preview of Undeadwood Weird West TTRPG on Drivethru RPG! Pay what you want! My review of Death is the New Pink. The adventure this session takes place in the region called Olvidado. [...]