Welcome to Stormhead ProductionsWelcome to Stormhead Productions
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Speak your Truth. Loudly.
I help you sound your best with planning, technical, recording, and hosting solutions for your podcast. [...]
Miria, Rayya, Nala, Garland, and Edryk enter the Fane of the All-Knowing: a labyrinth of traps, illusions, and deadly guardians. Nothing in their path is what they seem. Especially when [...]
Miria meets one new ally and sets out to fulfill the Prophecy and wake the All-Knowing, taking to flight in her newly acquired spaceship with a team of new allies. [...]
Miria gathers new allies, and tries to buy time as the radiation begins to consume her. Rayya and Miria draw up plans for war. Two new allies join the party, [...]
Get the Listener’s Preview of Undeadwood Weird West TTRPG on Drivethru RPG! Pay what you want! My review of Death is the New Pink. The adventure this session takes place [...]
Bigfin Reef Squid image CC-BY-SA “Rhododendrites“ Bigfin Reef Squid is the name of a tiny squid close to Owen’s heart… or so we thought! These sneaky, sparkling squid turned out [...]
Jellies might look like blobs, but they are very complicated invertebrates that come in hundreds of shapes and can be microscopic or as big as a whale! They can fill [...]
A summary of the first 10 episodes of Swords Against Madness. Miria, a space-faring smuggler crash-lands on the world of Orbus, near the Island of Nar. Nar is a poor [...]
This epsiode covers the story of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh play sessions of the first Undeadwood Weird West RPG campaign. The four Lost Souls, Patrick, Shein, Matt, and [...]
Crown of Thorns Starfish Image CC-BY Joi Ito The Crown of Thorns Starfish is an very unusual species of Sea-Star. It has a round-flat body with a much bigger central [...]
CONTENT WARNING: Unpleasant period-appropriate language. In episode 1, we discuss how Undeadwood: Weird West RPG was created, the characters that were created for the first campaign, and a playtest shootout… [...]
This epsisode covers the first three game sessions in the play-test campaign of Undeadwood Weird West RPG, where three Lost Souls have a dark and violent introduction to Wonkatonkwa County [...]
Oysters, clams, and mussels are a type of mollusc called a bivalve. Bivalves grow two shells, one on the right side of their body and one on the left. They [...]
People long thought that the Portuguese Man O’War was long thought to be a strange jellyfish that evolved to float on the surface. It wasn’t until we saw other Siphonophores [...]
Miria, Olan, & Rayya make a desperate ploy not just to escape Yanghu’s showroom, but to escape in style… but the Gorum are still hunting, and the lizard-man starfighter pilot [...]
Kelp grows in huge forests, which cover 0.1% of the ocean floor. That might not sound like a lot, but some Kelp forests are so huge you can see them [...]
Cuttlefish are clever tricksters of the ocean. Like their cephalopod cousins the squid and octopus, they can squirt ink, but the tricky cuttlefish can also make a balloon out of [...]
Siphonophores are big colonies of individual creatures (nectophores) that stick together and share the work of living I the deep sea. Some nectophores swim, some catch food, some digest it, [...]
The Dungeon Map Where to Get Scifi Rules for Swords & Wizardry For the purposes of creating science fiction adventures in Swords & Wizardry, I will be borrowing some material [...]
Coconut Octopus image, CC-BY Christian Gloor The Coconut Octopus is the cleverest species of cephalopod. They collect coconut shells, clam shells, or other objects they can squeeze into and hold [...]
Mimic Octopus Image, CC-BY Elias Levy The mimic octopus is sneaky! It can change its colour and shape to imitate other sea creatures. They have been seen pretending to be [...]
Rayya and Kalmek clash as the Gorum awake and swarm the party from within the facility, while Trassi soldiers hunt them from without, and Mormont makes a desperate escape attempt. [...]
Rayya struggles under Mormont’s mind control as he debates to which faction he wants to sell out Miria. An unfortunate communication and a careless intruder cause danger to awaken on [...]
Rayya, Olan, & Miria fight for their life against giant centipedes, we learn about Rayya’s history with the church, the PCs are stalked by a man with a grudge, and [...]
Miria finishes the task of slaying the Gorum, and struggles with the guilt of destroying helpless foes. As she struggles with her thoughts she makes a bond with a psisquid, [...]
A final scene for Trans-Real News, what the future holds for this setting and these characters, where to hear more from Brian Rideout, and a heartfelt “Thank you!” [...]
Klie Maxwell takes a leave of absence, Donna Co.’s terrifying repo men exposed, Caffeine Zombie strikes back, Bob wins the Path of Bone, Walter gets his 70s depravity, and Toby [...]
Trans-Real News returns to the studio to tell you about the fallout of the death of the authorities and the transformation of Torg Skullcrusher. With too many travel advisories to [...]
The Trans-Real News team takes a break for a game night to catch their breath after the Resistance manages to finally bring the Authorities low… but they are troubled by [...]
From the shelter of a sea cave, TRN broadcasts information about the war to Resist the Reset and the Barbarian conquest of the Upper Planes. [...]
Rayya, Olan, and Miria set out to acquire a magic dagger from a local miser to use against the immortal space barbarians known as the Gorum. This drags Miria into [...]
The Trans-Real News Team gathers with the Horde to take back control of reality. The killsat is destroyed. The indigo children play with butterflies. [...]
Klie & Toby keep transmitting while on the run from the Authorities. Klie finally talks about the past. [...]
The Reset has begun, and the Trans-Real News team is joining the fight to resist and stand up against extinction. But they find that The Authorities have marked them for [...]
Toby and Klie sound the alarm and call for people to Resist! Australia is lost. Irreality is spreading around the world once again. Klie offers the Aussies some help getting [...]
The Indigo children are on the move. The Aussieflora Hive Mind introduces plant-based people. Klie and Toby Get some answers about where the Qlippoth come from, and how our Earth [...]
“We played a sound that we think means ‘Hello’ to the [humpback whale named] Twain… and Twain said ‘Hello’ back!” Owen Today we are updating two of our episodes with [...]
A collection of the commercial messages from the first 29 episodes of Trans-Real News, and some bonus material. Re-ordered to show off the hidden stories running in the subtext of [...]
Simon Williams just released a remastered version of Episode 0 of his amazing solo Dungeons & Dragons podcast Legend of the Bones. It was an honor to help remaster and [...]
California remains the heart of strange and unreal news, thanks to anarchists, dinosaurs, alien storytellers, and indigo children. Toby and Klie find out what a “Qlippoth” is. Walter gets a [...]
Toby and Klie travel to the home of The Authorities… and find it as ruined as the Lower Planes. The Aussieflora Hive Mind is in an arms race with Retrograde [...]
Humpback whales can have beautiful voices, and they can be heard for miles and miles! Owen Humpback Whales have beautiful voices, and are the great musicians of the sea. Each [...]
A bonus episode in which Klie reviews a barbarian barbecue joint with some friends for his vlog. [...]
Miria awakens in a hut at the edge of the ruined village, covered in blisters, and discoveres that she may well be living on borrowed time, and so is the [...]
In which we face plant-based Kaiju, Indigo Children besiege a jerky stand, Puppets sing, Alien Storytellers get called out, and Lunatics rant at Toby & Klie. [...]
Torg takes over as anchorman, Retrograde gets into the superhero business, Lobster-monsters attack Ecuador, Caffeine Zombie is still at large. Timespace distortions are becoming focused on two points. We hear [...]
The Aussieflora Hive Mind mutates rapidly. Non-Serviam issues pirate broadcasts from the lower dimensions: the Archons in chaos. The Hive is pumping the slime through portals. [...]
Orca are really smart! They can be taught to do tricks like sing songs and count, if they are trained well! Owen Orca, sometimes called “Killer Whales” are a really [...]
Sabaku No-Ken Otomoe goes to war with the Aussieflora Hive Mind, A love bot gains true sentience, the 60s and romance are back (temporarily), as is coffee. Route 66 gets [...]
In which Australia gets meaner, substrate chickens out, the Rain settles, and Klie gets cozy, and the Hive goes Live. [...]
The News in Brief Timespace Forecast (1’30”) This Week’s Sponsor (2’13”) Learn all about Rejoice! The meme-complex that lets you escape reality from the comfort of your own chair! Statement [...]
In which monsters stir, barbarians rampage, depravity is delayed, the Trans-Real News team suffers a tragic loss, and Klie defames some goats. The News in Brief Timespace Forecast (1’31”) This [...]
Miria, a smuggler awakes next to her sinking starship on a strange world, alone, with holes in her memories, and only the clothes on her back and her wrist computer. [...]
The Authorities brand Trans-Real News “Dangerous Misinformation”. We find out what happened to Walter. A psychic plant carpets Australia. Bob tells us our forecast. Klie reminds us about Trust, Truth, [...]
Sea Anemones come in thousands of different shapes and colours, just like flowers! Owen Sea Anemones are another invertebrate related to coral. They look kind of like flowers, they are [...]
We get a behind-the-scenes look at TRN. Yaron and Walter return. Tul’Ophala is nearly destroyed. The Archons have abandoned the authorities. And an interview goes horribly wrong… Three Minutes Before [...]
In which we get to know our news crew a little better. An Interview with Toby (0’36”) Why don’t you start by giving us your name and tell us what [...]
News Brief (22″) Forecast (2’34”) Our Sponsor (3’39”) A sneak preview of the upcoming album from Sabaku No-Ken Otome: Clash! from Retrograde Records. A Statement from the Occulted Collective of [...]
Coral reefs are really important to the environment… they provide homes for hundreds of other sea creatures. Owen When people talk about coral we imagine big rolling hills and terrains [...]
The lower planes are closed off, the slime is disappearing, and the Head Mafia surrenders. Torg notes an uptick in conquistadors and time confusion. The horde is on the move. [...]
In which Yaron breaks Tu’Ophala’s dirty secrets, New Normal is finally established, and Klie tells you about new exploration opportunities. News Brief EXCLUSIVE: Is Tul’Ophala implanting alien parasites in people [...]
In which the board replaces Walter, Televisitc Slime=based plastics meet with controversy, Barbarians settle the Western Front, the New Normal is established, The Authorities rebuke TRN, and Klie talks rock [...]
Whith Apex predators, we don’t understand just how important they are… Owen Tiger sharks like warm and temperate waters. They particularly like coral reefs and kelp forests. Called “the garbage [...]
The West Coast picks up the pieces, Desperately seeking Walter, settling into a new reality, a sexy case for sentry robots, and how to deal with a reality emergency. News [...]
In which America and Canada are battered by a reality superstorm, and Walter gets carried away. News Brief (0’12”) We appear to be experiencing a Time Defect The Slime Invades [...]
The conflict in Ularu is finally over, and Retrograde Dynamics’ super-girls are going on tour as a pop band. Reality storms build toward a superstorm; weirdness reaches a new peak. [...]
The Giant Pacific Octopus is the smartest of all the cephalopods, it is great at solving problems! Owen Today we are talking about the Giant Pacific Octopus: a creature as [...]
News Brief Reality storms coming in. Elevated global irreality comes to 0.15‽ Reality Warfare spreads with increased cuil Keep your Indigo Child home, keep their classmates out of the Cornflied [...]
In which warfare breaks out over the being under Ularu, Someone is stealing heads, the Barbarians call a moot, a week on repeat, the late 20th century is coming in, [...]
In which Retrograde Dynamics pulls its usual awful stunts, Reality warfare in Atlanta, GA has subsided, Hellions protest Upper Planar refugees, the Televistic Slime continues to grow. Double Monday is [...]
In which events in Ularu get more violent, the Hive can make a fine beverage, the Time Moot concludes, Torg is banished. a Kid is literally knocked into next Tuesday. [...]
In which Vogonis causes an ecological disaster, a search continues for the boy punched into the wrong Tuesday, disappointment in prophecies are discussed, as are books. Bad vibrations ahead. The [...]
In which Vogon’is quits the field of battle, Freelance Police go after the head thieves with extreme prejudice, and Retrograde Dynamics crushes Vogon’is in Australia; Depressing time distortions ahead, the [...]
In which a lost child is found, peace returns in Australia, Hell goes under Martial law, and cyberterrorists declare war on stupidity, good old-fashioned vibrations are on the way, Vogon’is [...]
In which Freelance police bust up a bowling alley, coffee shortages cause Damn Ego to despair, and experts speculate on the growth of The Slime, feelgood retro vibrations are strong. [...]
A new trailer for Trans-Real News! [...]
This Special Report episode of Trans-Real news describes the history of Trans-Real News, from its inception in 2006 as a Livejournal project to its new incarnation as a podcast. Trans-Real [...]
Eldritch horrors awaken beneath Ularu and goes to battle with magical girls, XIbalba in flames, the Head Mafia collects a few of their own, expect raining blood in Australia, the [...]
Manta rays are so efficient and graceful that we built drones based on them; Manta ray probes that explore the sea… Owen Manta rays are huge, graceful filter feeders, which [...]
Tardigrades are a microscopic animal: one of the world’s smallest predators, they hunt for germs! But the really cool thing about Tardigrades is that they are nearly indestructible and live [...]
We don’t know much about the colossal squid. They are the reason I wanted to learn about marine biology: I want to learn more about them! Owen Colossal Squid courtesy [...]
Barbarians storm the 20th through 23rd centuries causing mayhem and chaos, as well as personal tragedy for a member of the Trans-Real News team. Meanwhile strange insects make stranger offers, [...]
Strange and wonderful things are about to happen in Australia, Angelic Beings are removing their heads for fashion, and television has begun to eat whole dimensions in this strange fantasy [...]
Owen tells us all about the mysterious Giant Squid: weird facts, and how critical it is to the all important “Whale Pump” that keeps out oceans healthy. See the shownotes [...]
The Boy in the Submarine – episode 1: Sperm Whales is up! Owen tells us a little about the Sperm Whale, how big it is, what it likes to eat, [...]
Giant squid are mysterious! So mysterious that they have been the subject of myths and monster stories for centuries. There is still a $1,000,000 bounty for catching one alive! They [...]
“Sperm whales are my favourite animal! I wish I could go whale watching off the coast of Nova Scotia, maybe dive with them, and when I’m grown up, maybe even [...]