Episode 4: Big Plans & Big PetsEpisode 4: Big Plans & Big Pets
Get the Listener’s Preview of Undeadwood Weird West TTRPG on Drivethru RPG! Pay what you want! My review of Death is the New Pink. The adventure this session takes place [...]
Speak your Truth. Loudly.
Get the Listener’s Preview of Undeadwood Weird West TTRPG on Drivethru RPG! Pay what you want! My review of Death is the New Pink. The adventure this session takes place [...]
Bigfin Reef Squid image CC-BY-SA “Rhododendrites“ Bigfin Reef Squid is the name of a tiny squid close to Owen’s heart… or so we thought! These sneaky, sparkling squid turned out [...]
Jellies might look like blobs, but they are very complicated invertebrates that come in hundreds of shapes and can be microscopic or as big as a whale! They can fill [...]
A summary of the first 10 episodes of Swords Against Madness. Miria, a space-faring smuggler crash-lands on the world of Orbus, near the Island of Nar. Nar is a poor [...]
This epsiode covers the story of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh play sessions of the first Undeadwood Weird West RPG campaign. The four Lost Souls, Patrick, Shein, Matt, and [...]
Crown of Thorns Starfish Image CC-BY Joi Ito The Crown of Thorns Starfish is an very unusual species of Sea-Star. It has a round-flat body with a much bigger central [...]
CONTENT WARNING: Unpleasant period-appropriate language. In episode 1, we discuss how Undeadwood: Weird West RPG was created, the characters that were created for the first campaign, and a playtest shootout… [...]
This epsisode covers the first three game sessions in the play-test campaign of Undeadwood Weird West RPG, where three Lost Souls have a dark and violent introduction to Wonkatonkwa County [...]